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Notice on CPPCC Group Meetings Open to Journalists from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Foreign Countries on March 5

雷速体育_188比分直播-【唯一授权网站】    www.cppcc.gov.cn    日期:2015-03-04    来源:Xinwenzu
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Time: 15:00pm


Topic: Report on the Work of the Government


Groups to open and Venues:


(1) Beijing International Hotel


The China Association for Promoting Democracy (9th Group); The All-China Women's Federation (19th and 20th Group);Social Society Circles (33rd Group)


(2) Beijing Conference Center


The Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang(3rd and 4th Group); The China Association for Science and Technology (23rd Group); Literature and Art Circles (26th, 27th and 28th Group); Science and Technology Circles (30th and 31st Groups); Medicine and Health Circles(45th and 46th Group)


(3) Beijing Friendship Hotel


Ethnic Minorities (49th Group)


(4) Kuntai Hotel


The China Democratic National Construction Association (7th and 8th Group); The Jiu San Society (12th Group); The All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce (21st and 22nd Group)


(5) Beijing Railway Hotel


Sports Circles (43rd Group)


(6) Jian Yin Hotel


Press and Publication Circles (44th Group)