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Notice on CPPCC Group Meetings Open to Journalists from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Foreign Countries on March 6

雷速体育_188比分直播-【唯一授权网站】    www.cppcc.gov.cn    日期:2015-03-06    来源:Xinwenzu
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1. Time: 09:00am, March 6


Topic: Report on the Work of the Government


Groups to open and Venues:


(1) Beijing International Hotel


All-China Federation of Trade Unions (17th and 18th Groups); Social society circles (32nd Group); Welfare and social security circles (48th Group); other specially invited figures (57th and 58th Groups)


(2) Beijing Friendship Hotel


The Communist Party of China (2nd Group)


(3) Kuntai Hotel


Personages without party affiliation (14th and 15th Groups); Friendship with foreign countries circles (47th Group)


(4) Beijing Railway Hotel


Economics circles (34th, 35th, 36th and 37th Groups); Sports circles (43rd Group)


(5) Jian Yin Hotel


Education Circles (40th, 41st and 42nd Groups)


(6) Grand Hotel Beijing


Specially invited figures from Hong Kong (53rd Group)




2. Time: 15:00pm, March 6


Topic: Report on the Work of the Government


Groups to open and Venues:


(1) Beijing International Hotel


Social society circles (33rd Group)


(2) Beijing Conference Center


The Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party (10th Group); The Taiwan Democratic Self-government League (13th Group); The All-China Federation of Taiwan Compatriots (24th Group)


(3) Beijing Friendship Hotel


The Communist Party of China (1st Group)


(4) Grand Hotel Beijing


Specially invited figures from Hong Kong (52nd Group)